Jul 18, 2013

One more day. ONE MORE DAY!

We're leaving on Saturday.  It's finally here!  It feels surreal but time, as always, just keeps going.

The truth is... I'm exhausted.  Five hours of sleep per night for the past week has caught up to me.  There's been too much to do, too much to think about.

Today was my last day of work for a month.  I just barely got everything done and I was even a little late getting out of the office and was almost late for an evening doctor's appointment (last-chance allergy shots).  Talk about stressful.

I have a to-do list a mile long.  I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all done.  I have a full day tomorrow to tie up loose ends around here but I have a physical therapy appointment tomorrow morning (hopefully my final follow-up on a shoulder injury from twelve weeks ago) and then a loooong hair appointment for a color and cut.  I won't have a lot of time to get things done so I'll be running around like a madwoman.

Our friend and her family are housesitting for us while we're away.  So, of course, that means the house has to be in order: the sheets on all beds changed, floors vacuumed, everything dusted, all laundry done (we don't want dirty laundry sitting around festering for a month), etc.

My last entry was posted using the Blogger app.  I'm not too excited about it.  As you can see, I added photos but there's no way to re-size or arrange them in the app.  They turned up in the post huge!  They can't be captioned, either.

I bought a miniature wireless Bluetooth keyboard for the trip to use with my phone with the intent of keeping a travel journal.  Not sure if I'll still do that or just make entries with the Blogger app or what.  I'll have to play that by ear.

If I don't post from the road, I'll be back once I return and lots to share.  Look for articles about traveling with kids, how to survive a long flight, fun things to do with kids in Europe, my final capsule wardrobe and how it worked out for me, plus many others.

Unless I stop in here via wi-fi connection, I'll see you again August 15th or thereabouts.

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